Old CCD camera's developed by Princeton Instruments generate images in the SPE 2 file format. On Debian I was not able to find any software able to open these images. Luckily I was able to find the
which contained enough information about the SPE 2 image format to write a Python script able to display the images.
import struct
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def from_bytes(b, fmt, offset):
size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
return struct.unpack(fmt, b[offset:offset+size])[0]
def show_spe_image(b):
datatype = from_bytes(b, "h", 108)
version = from_bytes(b, "<f", 1992)
frame_width = from_bytes(b, "H", 42)
frame_height = from_bytes(b, "H", 656)
num_frames = from_bytes(b, "i", 1446)
exposure = from_bytes(b, "<f", 10)
delay_time = from_bytes(b, "<f", 134)
pulse_rep_width = from_bytes(b, "<f", 118)
date = b[20:30]
time = b[172:179]
pulse_type = [None, "Fixed", "Exponential"][from_bytes(b, "h", 142)]
print("datatype:", datatype)
to_np_type = [np.float32, np.int32, np.int16, np.uint16, None, np.float64, np.uint8, None, np.uint32]
np_type = to_np_type[datatype]
itemsize = np.dtype(np_type).itemsize
print("numpy type:", np_type)
print("SPE version:", version)
print("Frame width:", frame_width)
print("Frame height:", frame_height)
print("Number of frames:", num_frames)
print("Exposure (s):", exposure)
print("Delay time (us)", delay_time)
print("Pulse repetition width (us)", pulse_rep_width)
print("Pulse type increments: ", pulse_type)
print("Date collected: ", date)
print("Time collected (hhmmss):", time)
count = frame_width * frame_height
for i in range(0, num_frames):
print("Showing frame number ", i+1)
data = np.frombuffer(b, dtype=np_type, count=count, offset=4100 + i*count*itemsize)
image = np.reshape(data, (frame_height, frame_width))
def show_image_from_file(filename):
print("Filename:", filename)
f = open(filename, "rb")