A twenty-something interested in computational physics and electron microscopy.
Traceon - Electron optical calculations (work in progress)
For my
master thesis I implemented the boundary element method to solve for the electrostatic potential inside axisymmetric electrostatic lenses and mirrors. Using a radial series expansion of the electrostatic potential I was able to make an extremely fast electron tracer. Hopefully I will have enough time to add magnetostatic calculations and three dimensional geometries.
Todo - A todo list implemented using dependent types
To get a program bug free people decided to sink an entire proof system in
a programming language. I decided to test how well such a proof system works for getting a web application bug free (spoiler: pretty well). Don't miss out on
a subset of SQL built up in a completely type safe manner.
Pyka - A more powerful Lisp language
In programming an expression like 'a + b' is evaluated in an
environment which defines the values of the variables used in the expression. But what if you could manipulate the environments like any other data in your program? Like pass them around, change them or evaluate expressions inside them. I figured out that many of the most powerful programming constructs like
macros or
lexical scoping can be implemented using such
first class environments.